Friday, March 09, 2007

I just don't know

I feel like I need to write something just to get that last post off of the top of the page. (makes you happy, doesn't it, Robin? I know you had it out against Sundance from the very beginning!

If only I had voted. Perhaps it would have made a difference.

Things are crazy busy at work. I feel like I'm meeting myself coming and going without a break in between ends. It's just going to get busier through the next week though. We have a huge event coming up March 19 and 20 and our secretary is out all of next week. My boss actually pulled me into his office and apologized for approving her vacation today. AND he hired a temp for next week. That was super nice. It's nice to be appreciated where you are, you know?

Joe and I went on a surprise date tonight. The boys didn't want to go to dinner with us so we left them home (oh the joys of them being 10 years apart!) and went by ourselves. It was nice. I had a bottle of wine and he had the huckleberry cheesecake. Priorities, you know.

Spring is springing up all over the place here in Northwest Montana. Everyday I'm more and more blown away by the fact that I get to live in this amazingly beautiful place. I know others would agree with me too. It is astounding and I'm more and more flabbergasted the older I get.

Best friends birthday is coming up in 2 weeks. We have a weekend away planned. In Spokane.
Which is the nearest big city type place we can find. We're not sure what to do over there though. With Joe being an alcoholic, going to a bar or dance club is out. But Andrea, Roy and I all still like to drink. He is ok with it, just not in a setting where that's all anyone does. So I need ideas. What is a good night time grown up without the kids activity that isn't only a bar? Help, please?


Elle said...

In Spokane? It's also the closest large city to Wazzu so it's full of the college set hot spots. Read: bars. Can't help you out on that one.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Jess, and you know you are jealous of the beautiful springs here in Chicago! I can see for miles over the beautiful corn fields! :o)